Valentines Day is all about love

How can you show a senior citizen a good time on this lovers holiday??

For some, Valentines Day brings feelings of love and for others it may make them feel a little more lonely.  Many seniors are often widowers and may feel lonely.

A simple visit and a card are great and a hug go a long way! Just knowing you are still thought of will give that warm and fuzzy feeling a lonely senior may be experiencing.

If you want to give a little something they can really use and make their life just a little easier, check out my gift giving guide for some useful items.

If your loved one lives in assisted living or something of the sort, usually the activities director will have plans in mind, but nevertheless, here are a few suggestions you may offer for a group or can you can also spend a little one on one time at home to do the following:

  1. Card making activity
  2. Valentines mailbox to receive valentines messages
  3. Play a game of name that love song
  4. Secret admirer tree
  5. Make heart shaped pancakes, hot cocoa, or chocolate dipped strawberries
  6. Heart shaped cookies or treats
  7. Watch a romantic comedy together
  8. Put up some Valentines Day decorations
  9. Send flowers
  10. Visit from a grandchild

This feeling of love you offer can do wonders for the heart and mind.  I hope you found this helpful and you can make someone’s day special!