Exercises to prevent injuries while playing pickle ball

Seated hamstring stretch

While seated, rest your heel on the floor with your knee straight and

Gently lean forward until a stretch is felt behind your knee/thigh.

Hold 20 seconds and repeat 3 times on each side.

Standing Calf stretch

Start by standing in front of a wall or other sturdy object. Step forward with one foot and maintain your toes on both feet to be pointed straight forward. Keep the leg behind you with a straight knee during the stretch.

Lean forward towards the wall and support yourself with your arms as you allow your front knee to bend until a gentle stretch is felt along the back of your leg that is most behind you.

Move closer or further away from the wall to control the stretch of the back leg. Also you can adjust the bend of the front knee to control the stretch as well.

Hold 20 seconds and repeat 3 times on each side.

Wall Angels

Having back flat against the wall, maintain a half squat position.

Begin to bring arms up overhead while having shoulders, elbows and wrists in contact with the wall.

Once reaching end range of motion at the top, begin to slide down and pinch between shoulder blades while maintaining all points of contact with the wall.

Repeat 10 times

Low back rotations

Lying on your back with your knees bent, gently move your knees side-to-side.

Go back and forth 10 times.

Forearm stretches

Begin with arm outstretched in front of you, palm face up (Fig 1). Pull the fingers towards yourself, stretching the top of the forearm. Release the hand and repeat as prescribed. Now do the same but with your palm face down (Fig 2).

Hold stretch 10 seconds, repeat 3 times in each direction on both arms.


Begin by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. While keeping your heels on the ground and your back straight, push your hips in a backward direction until you touch the seat and then stand back up. Consider doing this with a countertop or table in front of you in case you need it for support.  Take care not to let your knees pass in front of your toes. Repeat 10 times.

Clock lunges

Start by standing with both knees straight.

Begin by taking a step forward and slightly out to the side as you allow your front knee to bend. Your back knee may bend as well. Then, return to starting position. Hold onto a counter top for balance as needed.

Next, perform this again as you take a step approximately 45 degrees out to the side. Then, return to starting position.

Lastly, perform this as you take a step directly to the side. Then, return to starting position.

Repeat on the other leg.

Side kicks

While standing, raise your leg out to the side. Keep your knee straight and maintain your toes pointed forward the entire time. 

Use your arms for support if needed for balance and safety

Repeat 10 times on each leg

Heel and toe raises

While standing, raise up on your toes as you lift your heels off the ground, 15 times.

Now keep heels on the floor and raise your toes/forefoot off the ground, 15 times.